Wednesday, June 17, 2015

UK Struggles with Underrepresentation of Women in STEM Professions

For a while now it has been commonly known that there is a severe underrepresentation of women in science, technology, engineering and math. In 2014 it was found that in the UK there were around 4.71 million males working in STEM fields and only 0.69 million women in the same occupation. The vast difference once again shows the proof that the STEM industries are a boys club.

The issue was again brought to light after Nobel prize-winning biochemist Tim Hunt resigned from his position at University College London after making comments about the ‘trouble with girls’ in laboratories. Hunt whilst at the World Conference of Science Journalists in Seoul, South Korea, commented “Let me tell you about my trouble with girls…Three things happen when they are in the lab…You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you and when you criticize them, they cry."

This comment, which led to Hunt resigning, whilst causing much outrage, signaled again to many the issue that women are still underrepresented across almost all levels of science. In the UK, women make up just 12.8% of the STEM workforce. This is only up 0.2% from 2012 which hardly going to make a difference. The lack of females in STEM fields has caused great concern in the UK in recent years and it was identified that in order to generate higher numbers of scientists and engineers that the economy requires, then getting more females enrolled in a science course at university and in schools was the key.

It has been found that in the UK, women are under-represented at professorial levels in academic research careers in all STEM disciplines (typically 17 percent less). The proportion of boys is considerably higher too when it comes to undergraduate and graduate degrees in STEM subjects. There are found to be 12 percent more males in undergraduate and graduate degrees.

The comparison can be seen across the pond in America as well. The top computer programs have male dominated courses which has been found to cause confidence issues for the smaller numbers of females who take the course. The confidence issues are seen in the UK too; at A-Level girls were found to lack confidence in science and math even when their results were better than the boys.'

There have been movements in the USA to try and promote STEM fields to younger females in order to boost numbers at college level and this needs to be implemented in the UK and across the world. Increasing numbers of women in science professions will cause more to filter into the industry and start to take down the boys clubs that have moved from the colleges to the top of the industries. This in turn will create role models that younger female STEM enthusiasts can look at and give them the confidence to step into scientific careers.

About the Author: Harry Kempe, a marketing intern at IIR USA, who works on various aspects of the industry including social media, marketing analysis and media. He is a recent graduate of Newcastle University who previously worked for EMAP Ltd. and WGSN as a marketing assistant on events such as the World Architecture Festival, World Retail Congress and Global Fashion Awards. He can be reached at


  1. The representation of Women in STEM Professions are too low in UK. Only 12.8% of the STEM workforce is carried out by women. This needs to changed.

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  4. Abogado de Accidentes de Motocicleta Virginia
    The article on the UK's underrepresentation of women in STEM professions highlights the persistent gender gap in these fields. Factors contributing to this issue include societal stereotypes and lack of role models. The data provided is eye-opening and highlights the urgent need for more inclusive strategies in STEM education and workplaces. Addressing the underrepresentation issue is crucial as it limits opportunities for women and hinders progress and innovation. The UK's efforts to bridge the gender gap in STEM will undoubtedly have positive effects on society and the economy.

  5. The article "UK Struggles with Underrepresentation of Women in STEM Professions" highlights a persistent issue in the UK and around the world. Despite making up half of the population, women are still underrepresented in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) professions.the article is well-written and informative. It provides a good overview of the issue of underrepresentation of women in STEM professions in the UK. It also highlights the importance of addressing this issue in order to create a more equitable and innovative society.
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  6. The article highlights the underrepresentation of women in STEM professions, particularly in the UK, and the need for a cultural shift in how STEM subjects are perceived and taught. The article emphasizes the importance of encouraging and supporting women in STEM from an early age, both in schools and universities. Comparing the UK situation to the USA highlights the global concern. The call for initiatives to promote STEM fields to young females is crucial and should be a priority in educational institutions and industries worldwide. Increased representation of women in STEM will lead to a more diverse and inclusive scientific community, leading to greater innovation and progress.Lawyer Estate

  7. Abogado de Planificación Inmobiliaria Fairfax VAThe title "UK Struggles with Underrepresentation of Women in STEM Professions" addresses the pressing issue of underrepresentation of women in STEM fields. The issue is a persistent problem, with a significant gender disparity in STEM occupations. The data provided, revealing a gender gap of 4.71 million males to 0.69 million women, underscores the severity of the problem. The phrase "STEM industries are a boys club" effectively encapsulates the core issue, implying that efforts to address the gender gap have not been fully successful. The term "boys club" adds a critical tone, highlighting the exclusivity and systemic barriers contributing to the underrepresentation of women. The title effectively communicates the urgency and significance of the problem, prompting readers to engage with the content to learn more about the challenges and potential solutions.

  8. Underrepresentation in the UK is a complex issue that affects various sectors such as politics, corporate leadership, education, and more. It is influenced by factors such as gender, race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic background. Despite progress, there has been a historical underrepresentation of women in certain fields, such as corporate boardrooms and political leadership roles. Efforts have been made to address gender inequality through initiatives promoting diversity and inclusion.

    Ethnic and racial underrepresentation in positions of power and influence has been a concern, and advocacy for increased representation of individuals from diverse ethnic backgrounds in leadership roles has gained momentum. Political underrepresentation has been discussed, particularly in terms of elected officials and the representation of different demographic groups in politics.

    Educational underrepresentation is another area where underrepresentation is observed, with certain groups facing barriers to accessing quality education or pursuing specific fields of study. Initiatives aim to address these disparities and promote equal opportunities in education.

    Media and cultural representation is also a concern, with efforts being made to promote greater diversity in storytelling, casting, and behind-the-scenes roles. Socioeconomic underrepresentation is another issue, with individuals from lower-income backgrounds potentially facing challenges in accessing certain opportunities.

    LGBTQ+ representation is a focus of advocacy, with efforts to create more inclusive environments for individuals of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. Addressing underrepresentation is an ongoing process, and organizations, advocacy groups, and policymakers are actively working to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the UK.Disputa por Incumplimiento de Contrato

  9. Underrepresentation in the UK is a significant issue that affects various sectors, including business, politics, media, and societal structures. It has been identified in areas such as gender representation, ethnic diversity, disability representation, LGBTQ+ representation, social class and economic background, and social class and economic background. Efforts have been made to increase the representation of women in leadership positions and traditionally male-dominated industries. Ethnic minorities are often underrepresented in certain professions and leadership roles, and initiatives aim to promote diversity and inclusion. Disability representation is also a concern, with efforts to improve accessibility, accommodations, and awareness. LGBTQ+ representation is crucial in sectors like media, education, and corporate environments, with efforts to create inclusive environments and challenge stereotypes. Socioeconomic factors also contribute to underrepresentation, with ongoing discussions about creating equal opportunities for individuals from different social and economic backgrounds. Efforts to address underrepresentation often involve implementing diversity and inclusion policies, promoting awareness and education, and challenging systemic barriers. Organizations, government initiatives, and advocacy groups work to bring attention to these issues and implement strategies to create more equitable and diverse environments.estates lawyer

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  11. "Ordinary People. Extraordinary Stories. The Women in STEM Summits" are hailed for their transformative impact in uniting and empowering women in STEM professions. The review appreciates the focus on sharing the remarkable stories of ordinary women achieving extraordinary feats in the STEM fields. These summits serve as a beacon of inspiration, fostering a sense of community and mentorship. The commitment to amplifying the voices of women in STEM through shared narratives is commendable and contributes to breaking down barriers. In summary, the Women in STEM Summits are a powerful catalyst for change, celebrating the diversity and accomplishments of women in the STEM workforce.
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  12. Underrepresentation in the UK has been a significant issue in various sectors, including politics, business, and entertainment. Despite efforts to increase diversity, there are ongoing concerns about underrepresentation in British politics, including women, ethnic minorities, and individuals from different socioeconomic backgrounds.

    Workplace diversity is another area where organizations are working to improve diversity and inclusion. The media and entertainment industry has faced criticism for lack of diversity in both on-screen representation and behind-the-scenes roles. Efforts have been made to address this, but challenges persist.

    Education also faces underrepresentation in certain fields and disparities in educational outcomes based on factors such as socioeconomic background. Social mobility concerns also play a role in underrepresentation.

    Efforts to address underrepresentation often involve policy changes, awareness campaigns, and initiatives promoting diversity and inclusivity. Advocacy groups and individuals work to challenge systemic barriers and biases. For the latest information, it is recommended to refer to recent reports, studies, or news sources that cover diversity and representation issues in the UK abogado testamentario.

  13. The article highlights the significant gender gap in STEM fields in the UK, highlighting the need for a comprehensive and systemic approach to address this issue. The lack of female representation extends beyond university levels, with women underrepresented at both professorial and professional levels. The article also discusses the confidence issues faced by girls in STEM subjects at A-Level. The article compares this issue to the US, highlighting the need for movements to promote STEM fields to young females. It calls for implementing such initiatives in the UK and globally, emphasizing the importance of encouraging more females to pursue STEM education and careers. The article also highlights the need to address gender stereotypes and promote a supportive learning environment, as confidence issues persist among girls in STEM subjects, even when they outperform boys academically. The article calls for a concerted effort to create role models for young female STEM enthusiasts and calls for global initiatives to encourage more women to enter and thrive in STEM fields. abogado de patrimonio

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    The article on the UK's underrepresentation of women in STEM professions highlights the need for action and a comprehensive analysis of factors contributing to this issue. It suggests incorporating data-driven insights and personal anecdotes to provide a human touch. The article emphasizes the importance of early education and mentorship programs in encouraging girls to pursue STEM interests. It also suggests exploring the intersectionality of gender, race, and socioeconomic background in STEM representation. The article encourages reflection and calls for positive change in communities and workplaces. It suggests including perspectives from male allies and STEM leaders to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the challenges and potential solutions.

  15. Underrepresentation in the UK is a significant issue in various sectors, including politics, business, media, and public life. Despite progress, ethnic minorities, women, and individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are often underrepresented in politics. Efforts to address this issue include encouraging diverse candidates to stand for election and supporting their careers. Diversity and inclusion in corporate leadership remain a challenge, with women, ethnic minorities, and individuals with disabilities often underrepresented in senior management positions and on corporate boards. Companies are implementing diversity and inclusion strategies to address this issue, setting targets for representation and creating inclusive workplace cultures.

    Media representation in the UK has faced criticism for its lack of diversity, with efforts being made to increase diversity in newsrooms and ensure media content reflects the full spectrum of British society. Underrepresentation also affects educational attainment and employment opportunities, with barriers to accessing higher education and well-paid jobs for certain groups. Intersectional approaches to addressing underrepresentation are essential for promoting true diversity and inclusion.

    To address underrepresentation in the UK, concerted efforts from policymakers, businesses, media organizations, educational institutions, and civil society are needed, including implementing policies and initiatives to promote diversity, addressing systemic barriers to inclusion, and fostering cultures of equality and respect in all areas of society Abogado Delitos Sexuales de Northern Virginia.

  16. Underrepresentation is a significant challenge in the UK, impacting various sectors such as politics, business, media, and education. Despite progress, ethnic minorities, women, and individuals from lower socio-economic backgrounds are often underrepresented in politics, leading to a lack of diverse perspectives and experiences in decision-making processes. In the media industry, women, ethnic minorities, individuals with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ individuals are often underrepresented in senior management positions, resulting in a less inclusive work environment. Education also faces disparities in access and attainment among different demographic groups, with students from lower socio-economic backgrounds, ethnic minorities, and those with disabilities often facing barriers to higher education or academic success. The arts and cultural sectors also struggle with underrepresentation, particularly in terms of diversity among artists, performers, and cultural leaders. To address underrepresentation in the UK, concerted efforts from government, businesses, educational institutions, media organizations, and civil society are needed. This includes implementing policies and initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion, addressing systemic barriers to representation, and fostering a culture of equality and opportunity for all individuals.northern virginia personal injury lawyers

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